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Axle Housing


Navajo and 1994–97 B Series Pick-up Models

Fig. 1: Exploded view of the front drive axle on Navajo and 1994–97 B Series Pick-ups

  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Raise and support the vehicle safely. Remove the wheel and tire assembly.

    NOTE: Before removing the driveshaft from the front axle yoke, mark the yoke and driveshaft so that they can be reassembled in the same relative position, thus eliminating driveshaft imbalance.

  3. Disconnect the driveshaft from the front axle yoke.
  4. Remove the disc brake calipers and support the caliper on the vehicle's frame rail.
  5. Remove the cotter pin and nut retaining the steering linkage to the spindle. Disconnect the linkage from the spindle.

    NOTE: The axle arm assembly must be supported on the jack throughout spring removal and installation and must not be permitted to hang by the brake hose. If the length of the brake hose is not sufficient to provide adequate clearance for the removal and installation of the spring, the caliper must be removed.

  6. Remove the bolt and nut and disconnect the shock absorber from the radius arm bracket.
  7. Remove the stud and bolts that connect the radius arm bracket and radius arm to the axle arm. Remove the bracket and radius arm.
  8. Remove the pivot bolt securing the right handle axle arm assembly to the crossmember. Remove the keystone clamps securing the axle shaft boot from the axle shaft slip yoke and axle shaft and slide the rubber boot over. Disconnect the right driveshaft from the slip yoke assembly. Lower the jack and remove the right axle arm assembly.
  9. Position another jack under the differential housing. Remove the bolt that connects the left axle arm to the crossmember. Lower the jacks and remove the left axle arm assembly.

    To install:

  10. Position the under the left axle arm assembly. Raise the axle arm until the arm is in position in the left pivot bracket. Install the nut and bolt and tighten to 120–150 ft. lbs. (163–203 Nm).

    NOTE: Do not remove the jack from under the differential housing at this time.

  11. Place new keystone clamps for the axle shaft boot on the axle shaft assembly. Position the right axle arm on a jack and raise the right axle arm so the right driveshaft slides onto the slip yoke stub shaft and the axle arm is in position in the right pivot bracket. Install the nut and bolt and tighten to 120–150 ft. lbs. (163–203 Nm).

    NOTE: Do not remove the jack from the right axle arm at this time.

  12. Position the radius arm and front bracket on the axle arms. Install a new stud and nut on the top of the axle and radius arm assembly and tighten to 160–220 ft. lbs. (217–298 Nm). Install the bolts in the front of the bracket and tighten to 27–37 ft. lbs. (37–50 Nm).
  13. Install the seat, spacer retainer and coil spring on the stud and nut. Raise the jack to compress the coil spring. Install the nut and tighten to 70–100 ft. lbs. (95–135 Nm).
  14. Connect the shock absorber to the axle arm assembly. Install the nut and tighten to 42–72 ft. lbs. (57–97 Nm).
  15. Connect the tie rod ball joint to the spindle. Install the nut and tighten to 50–75 ft. lbs. (68–101 Nm).
  16. Lower the jacks from the axle arms.
  17. Install the disc brake calipers. Install the wheel and tire assembly. Install the lug nuts and tighten to 85–115 ft. lbs. (115–155 Nm).
  18. Connect the front output shaft to the front axle yoke. Install the U-bolts and tighten to 8–15 ft. lbs. (11–20 Nm).
  19. Remove the jacks and lower the vehicle.
  20. Reconnect the negative battery cable.
1998 B Series Pick-up Models

Fig. 2: Disconnect the axle vent tube at the axle

Fig. 3: With the axle supported, remove the left front axle-to-frame bolt first

Fig. 4: Remove the two remaining axle-to-frame attaching bolts then lower the axle housing

NOTE: The manufacturer recommends using new fasteners when installing the front axle. Before beginning this procedure, make sure to acquire new mounting bolts.

  1. Remove the front axle halfshafts. Refer to axle shaft and seal procedures earlier in this Section.
  2. Matchmark the front driveshaft to the front axle companion flange.
  3. Unbolt the front driveshaft retaining straps from the front axle assembly and support it out of the way.

    Do not allow the driveshaft to hang unsupported, damage to the shaft and or U-joint can occur.

  4. Disconnect the axle vent tube.
  5. Place a jack under the front axle to support it.
  6. Remove the left front axle-to-frame attaching bolt.
  7. Remove the remaining two axle-to-frame bolts.
  8. Lower the axle assembly and remove it from under the vehicle.

    To install:

  9. Place the axle assembly on a jack and position it under the vehicle.
  10. Raise the axle assembly up and align the three mounting holes.
  11. Install the three mounting bolts and tighten them to 45–59 ft. lbs. (60–80 Nm).
  12. Connect the axle vent tube.
  13. Install the front driveshaft to the axle companion flange, aligning the matchmarks made earlier, then install the retaining straps and tighten the bolts.
  14. Install the axle halfshafts.
MPV Models

NOTE: The differential is removed as a unit with the freewheel mechanism. After removal, the differential can then be separated from the freewheel mechanism, if necessary.

  1. Raise and safely support the vehicle. Remove the wheel and tire assemblies.
  2. Remove the splash shield and drain the differential fluid.
  3. Remove the halfshafts.
  4. Mark the position of the driveshaft on the axle flange and remove the driveshaft.
  5. Tag and disconnect the vacuum hoses and electrical connector from the freewheel mechanism control box.
  6. Support the differential with a jack.
  7. Remove the bolts/nuts attaching the differential/freewheel mechanism assembly in 3 places and lower the assembly from the vehicle.
  8. If necessary, separate the freewheel mechanism from the differential.

    Fig. 5: Exploded view of the front drive components — MPV with 4WD

    To install:

  9. If removed, install the freewheel mechanism.
  10. Raise the differential/freewheel mechanism assembly into position and install the attaching bolts/nuts. Tighten to 49–72 ft. lbs. (67–97 Nm). Remove the jack.
  11. Install the remaining components in the reverse order of their removal. Fill the differential with the proper type and quantity of fluid.

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