- Loosen the wheel lug nuts.
- Jack up the front of the vehicle and support on jackstands.
- Remove the wheel and tire.
- On 1994 models, remove the brake caliper assembly as described earlier in
this Section, but do not disconnect the brake hose.
- On 1995–98 models, remove the two anchor plate-to-steering knuckle
bolts then slide the assembly off of the rotor.
- Suspend the caliper assembly by a piece of wire. Do not allow it to hang
by the brake hose.
- Follow the procedure given under wheel bearing removal in Section 7 for
models with manual and automatic locking hubs.
NOTE: New rotor assemblies come protected with an anti-rust
coating which should be removed with denatured alcohol or degreaser. New
hubs must be packed with EP wheel bearing grease.
- Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure.
- Loosen the wheel lug nuts.
- Jack up the front of the vehicle and support on jackstands.
- Remove the wheel and tire.
- Remove the two anchor plate-to-steering knuckle bolts then slide the assembly
off of the rotor.
- Grasp the rotor and pull it from the wheel hub. Some models may have a small
retaining screw holding the rotor to the wheel hub, if so, remove the screw
then pull the rotor off.
- Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Fig. 1: Using a 17mm box wrench, remove the two brake
caliper slide bolts
Fig. 2: To remove the brake rotor, remove the two brake
caliper mounting bolts using a 21mm socket and breaker bar, if necessary
Fig. 3: Remove the caliper and pad assembly from the
brake rotor . . .
Fig. 4: . . . and suspend from the strut coil using a
strong piece of wire
Fig. 5: Pull the rotor unit off of the whhel hub/bearing
Brake pads contain asbestos, which has been determined to be a cancer causing
agent. Never clean the brake surfaces with compressed air! Avoid inhaling any
dust from any brake surface! When cleaning brake surfaces, use a commercially
available brake cleaning fluid.
- Raise and safely support the vehicle. Remove the wheel and tire assembly.
- Remove the caliper and support it aside with mechanic's wire; do not let
the caliper hang by the brake hose. Remove the disc brake pads and mounting
- Remove the attaching screw and remove the rotor.
- Inspect the rotor for scoring, wear and runout. Machine or replace as necessary.
- If rotor replacement is necessary on pickup models, remove the attaching
bolts and separate the rotor from the hub.
- Installation is the reverse of removal.