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Proportioning Valve


All Models Except 1996–98 MPV

Fig. 1: Proportioning valve assembly

  1. Raise and support the front end on jackstands.
  2. Unplug the pressure differential switch connector.
  3. Disconnect and cap the brake lines at the valve.
  4. Remove the attaching bolts.
  5. Installation is the reverse of removal.
  6. Tighten the proportioning valve mounting bolt to 14–18 ft. lbs. (19–25 Nm).
  7. Bleed the system.
1996–98 MPV Models

Fig. 2: Proportioning valve assembly mounted on the master cylinder

The proportioning valve on 1996–98 MPV models is located on the master cylinder where the brake line threads in.

  1. Using a flare nut wrench, with another one as a backup, disconnect the brake line to the master cylinder.
  2. Remove the proportioning valve from the master cylinder. Replace the O-ring seal with a new one.
  3. Installation is the reverse of removal.
  4. Tighten the proportioning valve to 26–28 ft. lbs. (35–39 Nm).
  5. Bleed the brake system.

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