Fig. 1: Proportioning valve assembly
- Raise and support the front end on jackstands.
- Unplug the pressure differential switch connector.
- Disconnect and cap the brake lines at the valve.
- Remove the attaching bolts.
- Installation is the reverse of removal.
- Tighten the proportioning valve mounting bolt to 14–18 ft. lbs. (19–25
- Bleed the system.
Fig. 2: Proportioning valve assembly mounted on the master
The proportioning valve on 1996–98 MPV models is located on the master
cylinder where the brake line threads in.
- Using a flare nut wrench, with another one as a backup, disconnect the brake
line to the master cylinder.
- Remove the proportioning valve from the master cylinder. Replace the O-ring
seal with a new one.
- Installation is the reverse of removal.
- Tighten the proportioning valve to 26–28 ft. lbs. (35–39 Nm).
- Bleed the brake system.